Saturday, September 3, 2011

4 Year Check-Up

We were sort of behind on getting Sophia in for her four year old physical. Better late than never! : )

A whopping 35 pounds puts her in the 50th percentile.
Standing at 40 3/4 inches = 75th percentile
I think Kalista was just happy this visit was not intended for her.
That is until I decided to let them give her the flu shot : )
Luckily no tears. Just an, "oww" when it happened.
This was the last smile I saw for awhile.
I decided to get all of her 5 year shots over with since she will
start kindergarten before her next yearly physical.


  1. Cute. Now I'm dreading taking the girls for their 18 mo and 4 yr check ups in a couple weeks. That's a lot of shots in one day. I'm going to need a special treat (or a cocktail) after this too :(

  2. i did the same thing--and FORGOT that last time Grant had a shot he had an allergic reaction...oh well, atleast he's done until he's 10 years old..we are opting for the nasal flu shot this year after the kindergarten shots caused bruising/tears/limping...
