
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Kalista Turns 4 Months

Today is Kalista's 4 month birthday. Her milestones include laughing, rolling over both ways, grabbing for toys and being so darn cute! She's still a great sleeper too (three 1 1/2 naps and 11 hours of bedtime sleep).
Always smiling!
Can't wait to play like the Big Kids!

Fun morning at Shoreline Park


  1. Are you doing Babywise with her or was she just a "born" sleeper? I did BW with Will and people who do it are pretty much the only people I have ever met where their kid takes 3 long naps and 11-12 hours of sleep at night. I freakin love it!!!

  2. this last pic is the best- you should frame it!
